Michael Williams, the current editor of The Monthly, previously served as Artistic Director of the Sydney Writers’ Festival from September 2020, successfully navigating post-pandemic challenges for the 2021 Festival. With a decade dedicated to the Wheeler Centre, originally Centre of Books, Writing and Ideas in Melbourne, he held roles as Founding Head of Programming and Director. Michael is known for his hosting and interviewing skills at literary events, particularly at the Sydney Writers’ Festival. His background spans publishing, broadcasting, and hosting programs on ABC Radio National, including appearances on ABC TV’s The Book Club. He contributes articles to publications like The Guardian, The Age, and the Sydney Morning Herald. Currently, he hosts Guardian Australia’s monthly book club.
Michael Williams, kini menjabat sebagai editor The Monthly, sebelumnya pernah menjabat sebagai Pengarah Artistik dalam Sydney Writers’ Festival sejak September 2020, dengan berhasil mengarungi berbagai tantangan pasca-pandemi untuk festival edisi 2021 mereka. Dengan satu dasawarsa telah ia baktikan bagi Wheeler Centre, pada awalnya bernama Centre of Books, Writing and Ideas di Melbourne, ia memegang peranan sebagai Founding Head of Programming and Director. Michael dikenal atas keterampilan wawacaranya yang luar biasa sebagai moderator di berbagai acara sastra, khususnya di Sydney Writers’ Festival. Latar belakangnya mencakup dunia penerbitan dan penyiaran, salah satunya sebagai pembawa acara ABC Radio National dan sering tampil di The Book Club di ABC TV. Ia menyumbangkan berbagai artikel untuk berbagai penerbitan seperti The Guardian, The Age, dan the Sydney Morning Herald. Kini, ia mengampu klub buku bulanan Guardian Australia.