Ibe S. Palogai is an acclaimed Indonesian poet and the visionary founder of the Makassar Literary Institute. His works vividly explore the themes of colonial war, and they have garnered recognition in esteemed publications such as Horison, Media Indonesia, Tempo, Fajar, and Jurnal Ruang. In 2016, Palogai was selected as a young writer at the prestigious Makassar International Writers Festival, and the following year, joined the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival. In 2018, Ibe participated in a highly regarded writer’s residency program supported by the National Book Committee in Leiden, The Netherlands. It was also in the same year that his poetry book, Bad Weather: A Poetry Book, achieved the distinction of becoming a finalist in the esteemed Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa award.
Ibe S. Palogai adalah penyair Indonesia ternama dan visioner pendiri Makassar Literary Institute. Karya-karyanya menjelajahi tema-tema perang kolonial dengan sangat hidup, dan telah mendapatkan pengakuan di penerbitan-penerbitan yang dihormati seperti Horison, Media Indonesia, Tempo, Fajar dan Jurnal Ruang. Pada 2016, ia terpilih sebagai penulis muda di Makassar International Writers Festival, dan tahun berikutnya, hadir di Ubud Writers and Readers Festival. Pada 2018, Ibe bergabung dalam program residensi penulis yang sangat dihormati, didukung oleh Komite Buku Nasional, di Belanda. Di tahun yang sama buku puisinya Bad Weather: A Poetry Book meraih prestasi sebagai finalis di ajang penghargaan Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa yang sangat dihormati.