
Dr. Tom Doig writes non-fiction about disasters, the coal industry, and the climate crisis. Hazelwood, which was published by Penguin Random House in 2020, was a finalist for the 2020 Walkley Book Award and the 2021 Ned Kelly Awards and was highly commended in the 2020 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards. He is the contributing editor of Living with the Climate Change: Voices from Aotearoa. Tom lectures in creative writing at the University of Queensland in Brisbane.

Dr. Tom Doig menulis non-fiksi tentang bencana, industri batu bara, dan krisis iklim. Hazelwood, yang diterbitkan oleh Penguin Random House pada tahun 2020, adalah finalis untuk Walkley Book Award 2020 dan Ned Kelly Awards 2021 dan sangat dipuji dalam Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards 2020. Ia adalah editor kontributor Living with the Climate Change: Voices from Aotearoa. Tom mengajar penulisan kreatif di Universitas Queensland di Brisbane.

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