
Todung Mulya Lubis, an Indonesian lawyer and human rights activist, holds significant positions such as founder of the Lubis Santosa & Maramis law firm, honorary professor at the Melbourne Law School, and Ambassador of Indonesia to the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Iceland since 2018. Throughout his career, he served as deputy chair of the Human Rights Investigation Commission for East Timor, a member of the Asian Human Rights Commission in Hong Kong, chair of the Indonesian Crisis Group (ICG) International Foundation, and chairperson of the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) Ethical Council. His influential book In Search of Human Rights: Legal–Political Dilemmas of Indonesia’s New Order 1966–1990 played a pivotal role in shaping democratic thinking about human rights in Indonesia.

Todung Mulya Lubis, seorang pengacara dan pegiat hak asasi manusia dari Indonesia, menduduki jabatan-jabatan penting seperti pendiri firma hukum Lubis Santosa & Maramis, profesor honorer di Melbourne Law School juga Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Kerajaan Norwegia dan Republik Islandia sejak 2018. Sepanjang kariernya, ia pernah menjabat sebagai wakil kepala Human Rights Investigation Commission untuk Timor Timur, anggota Asian Human Rights Commission di Hong Kong, keua Indonesian Crisis Group (ICG) International Foundation, juga ketua dari Majelis Etika Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW). Bukunya yang berpengaruh In Search of Human Rights: Legal-Political Dilemmas of Indonesia’s New Order 1966-1990 memainkan peranan penting dalam membentuk cara pandang demokratis mengenai hak asasi manusia di Indonesia.

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