Rebecca Makkai is a highly acclaimed American author known for her compelling novels, including The Great Believers, The Hundred-Year House, and The Borrower, as well as the short story collection Music for Wartime. The Great Believers received widespread recognition, being a finalist for both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, and earning the ALA Carnegie Medal and the LA Times Book Prize. Rebecca is a valued member of the MFA faculties at Sierra Nevada College and Northwestern University. Additionally, she serves as the Artistic Director of StoryStudio Chicago. Her works have been translated into 20 languages, and her short fiction has been featured in esteemed anthologies and programs.Supported by the Embassy of the United States, Jakarta.
Rebecca Makkai adalah seorang pengarang Amerika yang sangat diakui, dikenal akan novel-novelnya yang menggugah, seperti The Great Believers, The Hundred-Year House, dan The Borrower, sekaligus kumpulan cerpen Music for Wartime. The Great Believers mendapatkan pengakuan luas, menjadi finalis untuk Pulitzer Prize dan the National Book Award, juga mendapatkan ALA Carnegie Medal dan the LA Times Book Prize. Rebecca adalah anggota terhormat dari fakultas MFA di Sierra Nevada College dan Northwestern University. Lebih jauh lagi, ia menjabat sebagai Direktur Artistik untuk StoryStudio Chicago. Karya-karyanya telah diterjemahkan ke 20 bahasa dan fiksi pendeknya telah ditampilkan di berbagai antologi dan program terhormat.Didukung oleh US Embassy Jakarta.