
Putu Yindy Kurniawan is the Director of PT Percik Daya Nusantara and the founder of EV Conversion in Bali. He is also a local champion who has been actively supporting the use of clean energy in Bali. Yindy boasts an impressive background, including a decade of education and work experience in the Netherlands. During his time in the Netherlands, Yindy was involved in the development of hydrogen-based electric motors for Daimler Benz. Upon returning to Bali, Yindy spearheaded several PLN projects related to electricity networks, smart homes, and renewable energy. Yindy is enthusiastic about the prospect of converting electric motorbikes in Bali, aligning with the Indonesian government's target to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.

Putu Yindy Kurniawan adalah seorang direktur di PT. Percik Daya Nusantara dan pendiri EV Conversion di Bali. Beliau juga merupakan pahlawan lokal yang selalu aktif mendorong penggunaan energi terbarukan di Bali. Dengan latar belakang yang impresif, termasuk pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja selama lebih dari satu dekade di Belanda, beliau terlibat dalam pengembangan motor listrik berbasis hidrogen untuk Daimler Benz. Setelah kembali ke Bali, Yindy memimpin beberapa proyek penting bersama PLN, seperti jaringan listrik, rumah pintar, dan energi terbarukan. Keantusiasan beliau terhadap prospek konversi sepeda motor listrik di Bali sejalan dengan target pemerintah untuk mencapai netralitas karbon pada tahun 2060.

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