
Michael Vatikiotis is a writer and private diplomat, who has lived in Asia for more than 30 years. Formerly a BBC Correspondent and editor of the Far Eastern Economic Review, Michael now works on resolving conflicts in Asia and Africa. Two of his novels have been set in Indonesia with his latest book Lives Between the Lines: A Journey in Search of the Lost Levant exploring the origins of his family in the Middle East.

Michael Vatikiotis adalah seorang penulis dan diplomat, yang telah tinggal di Asia selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Sebelumnya, ia dalah koresponden BBC dan editor Far Eastern Economic Review, Michael sekarang bekerja untuk menyelesaikan konflik di Asia dan Afrika. Dua novelnya berlatar Indonesia, dan buku terbarunya Lives Between the Lines: A Journey in Search of the Lost Levant yang mengeksplorasi asal-usul keluarganya di Timur Tengah.

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