Kirsti Melville is an Australian award-winning documentary producer with ABC RN’s Earshot and presenter of The History Listen, currently based between Perth and the remote Aboriginal community of Balgo. With a strong commitment to social justice, Kirsti’s storytelling delves into the complexities of human relationships, utilizing the nuances of voice and sound. Her work has covered topics ranging from the impact of asbestos on Aboriginal communities to the Roma in Europe, Indigenous history, and the resource industry’s relationship with Aboriginal communities in north-western Australia.
Kirsti Melville adalah seorang produser dokumenter dari Australia yang ada di balik program ABC RN, Earshot, sekaligus pembawa acara The History Listen, yang kini membagi waktunya di antara Perth dan komunitas Aboriginal terpencil di Balgo. Dengan komitmen tinggi terhadap keadilan sosial, penuturan Kirsti menyelami kerumitan hubungan antarmanusia, menggunakan kekayaan nuansa suara dan bunyi. Karyanya telah mengangkat topik beragam, mulai dari dampak asbes terhadap komunitas Aborigin hingga Roma di Eropa, sejarah masyarakat adata, juga hubungan antara industri ekstraktif dengan komunitas Aborigin di Barat Laut Australia.