Khir Johar is a food historian from Singapore. His book The Food Of Singapore Malays: Gastronomic Travels Through The Archipelago was recognized as the Best of the Best Book in the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. Khir studied mathematics at Santa Clara University, a Jesuit institution in California. He then completed a Master’s in Education at Stanford University. Since his return to Singapore, Khir has focused on researching the food cultures of maritime Southeast Asia. He seizes every opportunity to document oral histories and preserve material culture objects such as old publications, artifacts, textiles, and music. He was elected Vice President of the Singapore Heritage Society in 2016 to advance public education and advocacy.
Khir Johar adalah seorang sejarawan makanan dari Singapura. Bukunya The Food Of Singapore Malays: Gastronomic Travels Through The Archipelago diakui sebagai Best of the Best Book dalam Gourmand World Cookbook The Food Of Singapore Malays: Gastronomic Travels Through The Archipelago Awards. Khir mempelajari matematika di Santa Clara University, sebuah lembaga Yesuit di California. Ia lalu menamatkan pendidikan Master di Stanford University. Sekembalinya ke Singapura, Khir telah mengkhususkan diri untuk meneliti budaya makanan di wilayah maritim Asia Tenggara. Ia menyabet setiap kesempatan yang kepadanya untuk mendokumentasikan dan melestarikan objek-objek budaya seperti penerbitan, artefak, tekstil dan musik tua. Ia diangkat sebagai Vice President untuk Singapore Heritage Society pada 2016 untuk memajukan pendidikan dan advokasi publik.