
Christine Gordon is the Programming and Community Engagement Manager at Readings, a position she has held for many years. Before realizing the role of her dreams, Christine worked for an extended period in public women’s health. She is one of the founding board members of the Stella Prize, serves on the boards of the Emerging Writers Festival, the Victorian Women's Trust, and the Readings Foundation, and has been a recipient of two City of Literature international travel grants. In addition to her lifelong commitment to feminism and reading, Christine is also an enthusiastic gardener.

Christine Gordon adalah Manajer Programming dan Community Engagement di Readings, sebuah jabatan yang telah ia pegang selama bertahun-tahun. Sebelum mewujudkan pekerjaan impiannya tersebut, ia bekerja untuk kesehatan masyarakat, khususnya menyisir perempuan. Ia adalah salah seorang pendiri dari Stella Prize, menjabat anggota dewan untuk Emerging Writers Festival, Victorian Women’s Trust, juga Readings Foundation, dan telah menerima dua hibah perjalanan dari City of Literature. Selain membaktikan dirinya untuk feminisme dan kegiatan membaca, Christine juga sangat senang berkebun.

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