
Chris Tse is a New Zealand poet and writer from Lower Hutt. He pursued film and English literature studies at Victoria University of Wellington and later completed an MA in Creative Writing at the International Institute of Modern Letters. In 2022, Chris was honored as the 13th New Zealand Poet Laureate. His poetry, short fiction, and non-fiction have been widely published in esteemed journals, including Best New Zealand Poems, Sport, Turbine, The New Zealand Listener, and more. Notably, his first full-length poetry collection, How to be Dead in a Year of Snakes, published in 2014 by Auckland University Press, earned recognition as a finalist in the poetry category at the 2016 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards, along with the Jessie Mackay Award for Best First Book of Poetry.

Supported by Creative New Zealand.

Chris Tse adalah seorang penyair dan penulis dari Lower Hutt. Ia menimba ilmu di bidang kajian film dan sastra Inggris di Victoria University of Wellington dan belakangan menyelesaikan studi Magisternya dalam Penulisan Kreatif di International Institute of Modern Letters. Pada 2022, Chris mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai New Zealand Poet Laureate ke-13. Puisi-puisi, fiksi pendek dan nonfiksi yang ia tulis telah diterbitkan secara luas di berbagai jurnal terhormat, termasuk Best New Zealand Poems, Sport, Turbine, The New Zealand Listener, dan lebih banyak lagi. Secara menonjol, kumpulan puisi pertamanya, How to be Dead in a Year of Snakes, diterbitkan pada 2014 oleh Auckland University Press, mendapatkan pengakuan sebagai finalis kategori puisi pada 2016 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards, sekaligus Mackay Award for Best First Book of Poetry.

Didukung oleh Creative New Zealand.

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