
Behrouz Boochani is an Associate Professor and a renowned Kurdish-Iranian writer, journalist, scholar, cultural advocate, and filmmaker. He is a regular contributor to publications such as The Guardian, The Saturday Paper, Huffington Post, New Matilda, The Financial Times, and The Sydney Morning Herald. His memoir, titled No Friend But The Mountains: Writing From Manus Prison, not only won the 2019 Victorian Prize for Literature but also achieved recognition in the Nonfiction category. Boochani was unjustly held as a political prisoner by the Australian government in Papua New Guinea for nearly seven years. Currently, he resides in Christchurch.

Behrouz Boochani adalah seorang Associate Professor serta seorang penulis, wartawan, cendekiawan, pegiat kebudayaan dan pembuat film Kurdish-Irani yang ternama. Ia adalah kontributor reguler untuk berbagai penerbitan seperti The Guardian, The Saturday Paper, Huffington Post, New Matilda, The Financial Times, dan The Sydney Morning Herald. Memoirnya, berjudul No Friend But the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison, tak hanya memenangkan 2019 Victorian Prize for Literature namun juga mendapatkan pengakuan dalam kategori Nonfiksi. Boochani secara tidak adil dihukum sebagai tahanan politik oleh pemerintah Australia di Papua Nugini selama nyaris tujuh tahun. Kini ia menetap di Christchurch.

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