Professor Aaron Corn, with three decades of experience, fosters meaningful partnerships with Indigenous colleagues, promoting recognition of Indigenous knowledge through research and education initiatives, major grants, and fellowships. He began in Australian Indigenous Studies, completing a groundbreaking PhD at the University of Melbourne with extensive collaboration in Arnhem Land. Recently, he directed the National Centre for Aboriginal Language and Music Studies and the Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music at the University of Adelaide. Aaron also played pivotal roles on the Australian Research Council College of Experts and as Director of the National Recording Project for Indigenous Performance in Australia since 2010.
Profesor Aaron Corn, dengan pengalaman selama tiga dasawarsa, memupuk kemitraan bermakna dengan rekan-rekan masyarakat adat, menggalakkan pengakuan atas pengetahuan masyarakat adat melalui kegiatan penelitian dan pendidikan, hibah-hibah dan fellowships unggulan. Ia memulai karirnya dalam pengkajian masyarakat adat Australia, mendapatkan gelar PhD di bidang terobosan ini di University of Melbourne dengan cakupan kerjasama yang luas di Arnhem Land. Baru-baru ini, ia memimpin National Centre for Aboriginal Language and Music Studies di University of Adelaide. Aaron juga memainkan peranan penting dalam Australian Research Council College of Experts juga sebagai Director of the National Recording Project for Indigenous Performance di Australia sejak 2010.