The festival joins forces with koalisi bali emisi nol bersih to address bali congestion

On Saturday, 24 February 2024, Koalisi Bali Emisi Nol Bersih in collaboration with World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia, Ubud Writers & Readers Festival (UWRF), and held a forum to talk about Bali’s rampant and overgrowing congestion in Banjar Ubud Kelod Hall, Ubud, Gianyar.

In this forum, titled Bali Bicara Macet, Keterlibatan Masyarakat Dalam Perbaikan Mobilitas dan Pengalaman Pariwisata di Bali, business people, activists, community leaders, and journalists expressed concerns, complaints, as well as a number of options that could provide solutions to the problems.

Appearing as speakers are Luh Muni Wiraswari & Ni Putu Satya Sephiarini (2023 Balebengong Citizen Journalism Award Winner) and I Nyoman Gede Maha Putra, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Researcher in Architecture and Urban Society at Warmadewa University), and Luh De Suriyani (Journalist at led the forum as the moderator. 

Government representatives such as the Department of Transportation and Trans Metro Dewata were also present to give their responses.

The forum is hoped to help build awareness, a collective sense of responsibility, joint solutions, as well as an integrated action plan to improve mobility and tourism experiences in Bali.

"Hopefully the participants who came today can share their thoughts, views, and visions that contribute to building and providing goodness for our society," said I Ketut Suardana, Founder of the Mudra Swari Saraswati Foundation.

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