Any Questions?
Your donation supports various festival-related initiatives, including bringing your favorite writers to the festival, author visits to local schools, developing our emerging writers' program, and funding upcoming projects we're eager to reveal soon.
International supporters can donate online using Visa or MasterCard credit cards through PayPal. Indonesian supporters can use Indonesian credit or debit cards, or alternative methods like ATM or internet banking transfers, BNI Virtual Account, GoPay, and more. You can choose between three currencies: Australian Dollar (AUD), US Dollars (USD), or Indonesian Rupiah (IDR).
If you didn't receive an email detailing your online donation, please email our team at admin@yayasansaraswati.org for assistance. First, check your spam/junk folder in case the email landed there instead of your inbox.
If you're interested in making a major donation, we encourage you to contact our Partnership Team at partnership@yayasansaraswati.org or click the button below to send us your inquiry. They'll be happy to provide more info and help with your generous contribution.
We greatly appreciate all donations, but unfortunately, they cannot be claimed on your tax return, whether you are from Indonesia or elsewhere.